“Improving Business Attraction Skills in Municipalities” Seminar

We had an inspiring and enriching experience at the BAS seminar, “Improving Business Attraction Skills in Municipalities.” Over the course of three days, we delved into innovative strategies and gained invaluable insights to enhance business attraction in municipal regions.

The seminar began with a comprehensive dive into the BAS model, developed collaboratively by project partners, with insights from expert Per Ekman. The model, structured around six core pillars—Prepare, Attract, Connect, Establish, Grow, and Orchestrate—provided a solid foundation for understanding how to enhance business attraction efforts in municipalities.

Participants engaged in insightful study visits to Scanfjord and Olsson Parts, offering real-world examples of successful business attraction. Representatives from these companies shared compelling reasons for choosing Orust as their base, highlighting the region’s robust infrastructure, strong local support systems, and an overall business-friendly environment. These firsthand accounts underscored the practical application of the BAS model’s principles.

Our final discussions focused on the adaptation and integration of the BAS model in Stadt Pforzheim, showcasing how the model has been successfully implemented to enhance its commercial space and settlement strategy. This provided participants with actionable insights and strategies that they could take back to their own municipalities.

Participants left the seminar with a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies, ready to elevate the business attractiveness of their regions.

The participants included representatives from:

Stadt Pforzheim Tendensor AB, SERN, Comune di Imola, Kalmar kommun , Unione Terre d’Argine, Città di Parma , Invest Cyprus – Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency , Municipality of Konavle , Grad Dubrovnik, Position West, Fyrbodal Association and our hosts at Scanfjord and Olsson Parts

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    Project Number: 2021-1-SE01-KA220-VET-000028102

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